Monday, 20 January 2025

FA4C donated rice bag and groceries worth 4,900 rupees to Mrs.Lilly Pushpa at Guntur on 19th Jan,2025

Dear Friends,

Friends Association for a Change donated rice bag and groceries worth 4,900 rupees to Mrs. Lilly Pushpa at Guntur on 19th Jan,2025.

Mrs.Lilly Pushpa  aged 29 years (widow) is a taking care of her daughter (Aged 13 years) and mother. Mrs.Pushpa had undergone a major surgery recently to remove a lump in her stomach. She is working as a daily wages worker in Mirchi Yard (Guntur) and earns around 300 to 350 rupees per day. As she is not in a position to support her family due to recent surgery, she is looking for help to support her family with rice bag and groceries. She is ready to get back to her work on recovering from her surgery. 

We received this request from our friend Mrs. Samyuktha Karri and processed this request further with verification in person visit by our friend Mr.Durga Veera Raghav Annavarapu at Guntur.

Friends Association for a Change
Society No. 587/2012